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Hello there! I'm Stacey, and I'm so happy you want to know a little something about me 

First, you should probably know that I don't take myself too seriously. I love to smile and laugh, especially at myself and some of the silly things I've done and still do as a human, divine. Personal integrity is high on the list, and I hold myself to it in every aspect of my life. Airy-fairy, everything is love n' light spirituality isn't my jam.  I've dived very deep into the human experience, and I'm grounded in it...denying nothing, avoiding nothing...I embrace it all. A funny thing happens when we do that; we learn how to be conscious creators and easily glide through some of the more undesirable aspects of this thing we call, being human. 

I started using the Tarot about thirty years ago and was doing readings in a prestigious New Age store in New Jersey, while also holding a full-time job in accounting. About ten years later, I discovered I no longer needed the cards to see things for people and moved into only using my inherent psychic-intuitive abilities. From there, the Spirit World opened up for me where I was able to receive communications from 'the dead', and very naturally moved into mediumship work. Working as a psychic-intuitive and medium for over twenty years brought me to a place of deep compassion and empathy for people, and I gained a rich understanding of the human condition. And then, out of the blue, I started channeling 'higher' streams of consciousness...

What is Channeling?
Channeling is a form of telepathic communication. It's nothing mysterious or woo-woo, and anyone can do it with enough practice.  I am a natural semi-trance channeler...natural in that it's nothing I had to study or train for. It just started happening one day over 20 years ago, much to my surprise, and I had no clue others across the planet were doing the same thing! Mother Mary, an entity I had no personal connection to, was the first to channel through me. From there, a large group consciousness of celestial beings channeled through me for years. Then, over a decade ago, The Professors came barreling in; a group consciousness made up of Ascended Masters, with Ascended Master Saint Germain being in the role of Head Professor. In between, I also channeled the famed physician, Hippocrates. 

With the onset of the pandemic, we created more of an online presence with The Professors and me teaching live, bi-weekly, for our Radiant Sources subscription group. Head Professor, Saint Germain, started taking over teaching the group well over a year ago. 

How Does Channeling Work? 
Being a semi-trance channeler, I take a few breaths, expanding my consciousness, and lock in and meld with a stream of intelligent 'higher' consciousness(es) while remaining fully present and aware of everything that's being said and done.  Blocks of information stream in and I translate it into human language all in real-time with the help of my non-physical partner(s). If I choose the wrong word or use the wrong wording, they will correct it out loud with a "No, dear Stacey...that is not the right word." If you're new to this thing we call, channeling, please click here to watch The Professors and me in action. 

Creating a safe space for anyone who sits with my non-physical partners and me is a priority. There is no judgment, and sitting with us is like sitting with dear old friends who only want the best for you. They're constantly in my ear, and I've learned to navigate my life around the whisperings of telepathic interruptions.


You'll find me to be very warm and loving, but I am very direct and do not coddle. If you want to bring yourself into Mastery, I will hold your hand but will expect you to take full responsibility for yourself and your life and do the work.

Much Love,



You'll notice I'm channeling with my eyes closed. It was our first online class and I didn't want to be distracted. Since then, I only channel with my eyes open

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